Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Principles of my Theory on Changing the World

1. Everyone does their passion as their work. We shall call it plorking, a mixture of play and work.
2. Everyone earns the same amount of money, no matter what plork they do. All left over monies are used for infrastructure and fun stuff!

There would be no need anymore for taxes, as the employer would just give extra money back to the central money distributor, so all those boring tax jobs, so all the accountants in the world could join the charity workers in Tahiti.

3. Education is centred on learning to love, rather than learning to fear.

From school age, we are taught about the emotions and their effect on the body would be one of the underpinning subjects, especially to two basic ones love and fear, and to learn how to recognise when we have come out of the core one, love.

Education would centre on human qualities and emotions rather than on facts and figures, so that children and the adults they become have the ability to self-observe and make decisions based on love, not fear.

Education based not on what, where, when, and who (facts and figures) but on how and why (how to budget, how to love yourself, how to have a great relationship) and why (Why do wars happen? How could we stop them happening again? Why do relationships break down? How could we do them better?) This means teaching is based on asking questions, not giving answers, and students learn to think for themselves and make truly, educated decisions.

Education is based on qualities, not quantities.

4. The Law of Attraction is common knowledge

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