Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Ho’oponopono Technique

'There is a way out of problems and disease for any individual willing to be 100 % responsible for creating her/his life the way it is moment to moment. In the ancient Hawaiian healing process of Ho'oponopono, the individual petitions Love to rectify errors within him.

"I am sorry. Please forgive me for whatever is going on inside of me that manifests as the problem."

Love’s responsibility then is to transmute the errors within him that manifest as the problem. Love does this by erasing and correcting.'

After I printed the article on Ho’oponopono by Joe Vitale in the second issue of the e-zine (, many people told me they had used it in their lives to great effect. Some had said “I’m sorry I love you” to the person who they’d had an issue with, others have said it to themselves - healing themselves in order to heal their world - and others have just said it to no one in particular, in order to heal problematic issues in their lives. All methods have had positive results.

I then came up with a longer phrase, which added more meaning to the words people were speaking or thinking. It includes personalising the statement, forgiving yourself, and asking Love to heal whatever has caused the disturbance.

“I’m sorry (your name). Please forgive me for whatever is happening inside of me that manifests as (whatever the problem is). I ask Love to correct/transmute the errors now. I love you.”

By using this technique, a doctor in Hawaii was able to `cure’ all the patients in his mental ward. See the story in the Action Change e-zine #2 for the full details.

For more info on the ho’oponopono technique, go to

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