Monday, October 30, 2006

How to Change the World

“I’m saving the world!”

“How are you doing that?”

“I write out my dreams, step by step.
I say `I will do that. I will commit to my dream. I will be all I can be.’
I ask that all be done with joy, grace and ease,
and for the good of all.
Then I follow my inner wisdom (my heart) every moment.
That is the path down which I find them.”

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Creating Meaningful Affirmations

The things you want others to say about you
make perfect self-affirmations.

The things you fantasise about –
what people say to you or the way they look at you –
look at yourself that way.

It’s your spirit’s way of telling you all the secrets locked inside.

Because ultimately we are self-sufficient:
Because ultimately as nature, we are perfect as a single unit.
You can use anything that comes to mind for your own transformation.
It’s just a matter of perspective.

Friday, October 27, 2006


You don’t need money to make money!

Money seems to be the hardest thing for people to manifest; it’s our greatest `worry’. And yet we seem to find it relatively easy to manifest other things, even without money. We might say `well I need money in order to do this or that’, but often what happens is that thing manifests in our lives, and we haven’t used money to get it. We win a prize, or someone gives it to us, or we barter one of our skills for someone else’s. It’s the same with money. We don’t need money to create money in our lives. And if we had money, what would we do, buy more? No of course not. So basically, we don’t need anything outside ourselves to create money, like anything else. You can start with nothing, have no money - and I know this from personal experience – and create it into your life. I’ll describe to you what’s been working for me.

Every Morning: I sit in bed and be grateful for whatever I already have. Enough money right here and now, a home to live in, friends etc, and really feel that gratitude. The idea is to get in that place of love, where you really feel good about life.

Once I’m in that I say something like, ‘I am grateful for what is, and I m ready for more!’ I picture what it is I’d like; how much money I have in the bank, the holiday I’m dreaming about. I also have a dream folder that I put pictures in of all this stuff. I’ve whited out bank balances and put in the amount I want to see. I’m a visual person, so I can look at a photo of a beach resort in the Maldives and feel more amazing just looking at it than I would being there! I have a picture of my perfect car, my perfect body (with my head on it) and my perfect house. So I get these photos out and look at them while I’m daydreaming. This sends a very strong message out to the quantum field. Then I say to my Higher Self, my angels, the world of people and to the universe and beyond `I have taken this time to create my day and I’m affecting the quantum field. If there is a spiritual aspect to me, and you’re watching me create this, show me a sign today that you’ve paid attention to these things I’ve created, and bring them to me in a way that surprises even me, and that I know, without a doubt, that it came from you.’ (this statement comes from the film `What the Bleep.’)

Then with this loving feeling inside and knowing that I have been heard and listened to, I put all my dreams and gratitude out to the universe. You can put your dreams in an imaginary basket and blow them away, you can open up your arms and visualise them speeding away: whatever makes you feel like they are out of your hands and in the hands of the Divine. I blow kisses!

Then I get out of bed feeling fantastic!

During the Day: I then usually go for a walk, but even if I’m on my way somewhere, I put myself in the picture of already having what I’ve asked for. I let my imagination run wild here. I put on imaginary clothes that I’d wear if I had all that money; I think of all the things I’m planning to do now I have that money. If I don’t actually have money and really feel like going shopping, I go and look at things in shops as if I will buy them. I check out flights and prices and hotels on the internet. I’m basically keeping my energy focused on what I want, and in the stream of love. This is very important! Because love is the stream by which all things are created, it’s really important to keep yourself in this wonderful feeling all day. I do this by daydreaming about having all I’ve asked for, pretending it’s already here, doing things I love the way I love to do them as much as possible during the day, and basically keeping in high spirits. Now you don’t need anything to do this outside yourself. We’ve been given this ability to imagine and pretend as an incredible gift, and we can use it to do whatever we want. That’s why you can start from absolutely nothing, and create a life of riches, love and joy.

The golden rule is: whatever you do with great love and joy, will create more of that for you. So you’ll always find your `good luck’ comes in areas of your life that you love doing. Of course the other side of the coin is true too. Wherever you are feeling not good, you’ll attract more of the same! So watch your thoughts!

Let me give you an example: I recently went house hunting, which I quite enjoy. I like looking in different houses and imagining myself in them and having a bit of imaginary fun. I had looked at a couple that day and was having a cup of tea. The real estate agent had said there was an open house for an apartment opposite the park that afternoon. It was a bit above my price range so I didn’t think about looking at it. I hadn’t been to that area of town for a while, and besides that park there were great shops and cafes there. I had nothing else to do that day so I thought `I’ll jump on the bus, check out this great flat than go shopping and to the new café down there.’ Just the kind of thing I like doing. So out of fun I went and checked out this apartment. It was cute, a bit small, and I didn’t think more on it because the flats I thought I’d move to were being viewed the next day. I saw those places but over the next week I kept thinking about that apartment, and although I couldn’t remember specifics about it, I decided to move there. I signed the lease and went to look at it again, and when I walked in realised it had everything I loved. I looked at a list I had written several months ago about my perfect home in the city, and I had manifested 13 out of the 16 things I had written on that list. And it was all because I’d decided to look at a place, `just for fun’.

OK. So during the day as well, I write a gratitude diary. Every time something nice happens, I write it on my computer or in my notebook. It could be a friend buying me a coffee, it could be a great idea for an article, it could be winning something. Anything that I’m grateful for I write in, and that keeps my spirits lifted throughout the day and keeps me in tune with the fact that I am creating all this good stuff. I also make sure my thoughts keep focused on what it is I want, rather than what I don’t want. This has been the hardest for me, but with practice, has become second nature. I’m surprised now when I have a negative thought, and I just laugh it off.

At Night: Before bed I complete my gratitude diary on my computer, from my notebook and adding anything else I can think of. The clue is to not put the same thing twice: it’s always new stuff. Then, before I go to sleep I say thank you for my day and review all the good things that have happened. This is a great thing on its own, because whatever you’re grateful for, you create more of.

It seems a bit of work now I write it all down, but I’ve developed this over the last ten months or so, and I must say, as I’ve built up what I’ve done each day, things have got better and better. It took me a while to move out of negative thinking and into positive - months actually - but it was worth the effort and determination to stick with it. After all, what else do I wanna do on earth, other than manifest my wildest dreams!

I hope some of this helps you too. You can start with one thing and work your way up. Being grateful is an awesome thing on its own. If the only prayer you ever have is `thank you’ you’re on the right track. The gratitude diary took things up a notch, and I started winning prizes and having more `luck’ after starting this. The biggest thing for me though, has been keeping in the `stream of love’. And the greatest thing about it, besides it being a fantastic manifestation tool, is that you get to have the best fun doing it. You get to spend all your time daydreaming about what you love, and spending your day doing things that you love. Whenever I come across things I don’t want to do now, I just don’t do them, and I’ve realised a great thing: I don’t need to do them. I have a saying now. If I don’t love it, it’s not my business!

I urge you to keep going with this, even when it seems nothing is happening. It may takes days, weeks, or months as in my case, but you’ll see little indications along the way that what you’re doing is working. You’ll be on a high and something great will happen; You’ll be in a bad mood and quickly lift yourself out of it because you know the consequences! The gratitude diary has been good for this because even when it seems not much is happening, you can look back over your day and note the little things that have come your way. And it gives you incentive to keep `smiling on the inside’ because it gets you excited about what you’ve just created from those good feelings. Good Luck!

To learn more about gratitude diaries go to

Thursday, October 26, 2006


How Doing What We Love Creates a Better Society

What would happen if everyone quit the jobs they hated and started working at what they love?

Many people out there seem to be unhappy in their jobs, and only a few I know can really say they love what they do for a living. Yet, the majority of us spend at least a third of our days (and that means our whole lives) working. A lot of people are going to boring jobs in order to save up for, wait for, get by until, what they love, magically appears. And because working at what we don’t love takes up so much time, much more energy than we spend focusing on our dreams, where we don’t love is where we stay, unless we push against that or take a leap of faith to change it.

Now if it’s true that the Universe actually revolves around us, rather than vice versa, then we could all quit the jobs we didn’t like today and know we’d be safe. We could take that leap of faith and get down to exactly what it is we want to do while we’re here. It’s probably a good thing we don’t do it all at once because it would mean a complete change in society as we know it, which may throw us into a bit of a tither. However it is happening and it’s quite exciting to think about.

Now if many of us are working in jobs that are not our passion, how and why the heck did we create these boring jobs in boring environments in the first place? I have a sneaking suspicion it was a little bit about money, and a little bit about misunderstanding how powerful we really are.

Apart from the fact that shopping and buying stuff can be a lot of fun, our culture has created a great supply of superfluous things in order to make money. Take shampoo for instance. We don’t really need to wash our hair. If you stop washing your hair for a month, the natural PH balance will be restored and you’ll never have to wash it again. We were made perfect, to function in this glorious world just as it is. But you go to the supermarket now and there are aisles full of the stuff. We’ve even bought the idea that we all have different needs for our hair, different ‘problems ‘ with our hair, and therefore `need’ about four or five products each, on a continual basis, just for our hair! Multiply that by all the other parts of our bodies, and you have a hell of a lot of needless products out there, that need to be made, advertised, packed, shelved and sold. And shazam!, you’ve created a ‘need’ for a supermarket. Who likes working in supermarkets, in their present form anyway? Go in and ask the staff at your local one. How many of them are passionate about working there?

OK, so through advertising we tell each other how much we need all these products, which creates a demand for them, and then of course we need people to work in these industries so that is where we have created most of our jobs.

Another place I see people get trapped in the `job while I’m waiting for the real job’ is in waiting tables. Most people do this while they are ‘waiting’ to do their passion: except now ‘waiting’ has become a job all of its own. We’re all waiting. Waiting tables, waiting on the boss, waiting on people. What would happen if everyone left? The people who stayed in cafes and restaurants would be there because they loved it. And it would probably be their own business, done just the way they liked it. They would be people with a passion for food, or passion for coffee or passion for chatting to people. If we taught young people to find and learn (and therefore do) their passion, most cafes would shut down because they’d be no one to work in them. Or we’d revolutionise them so it’s so much fun everyone can’t wait to come to work.

It’s not just in the private sector either. Have you walked into a Medicare office lately? My local Medicare office is full of very unhappy people who look like they’d give their right arm to be anywhere else. What happens on the day all of them decide to walk out? There’d be no one to manage the whole structure of paying back the large sums of money we’ve just paid for medical care. So first, doctors would have to go back to charging people themselves: second, people would have to be able to afford the bills, and third, we would have to take a serious look at preventative health because it would be in our best interests to do so. While we get free medical attention, why worry about preventing health problems when you can just go and get someone to fix it for you? So my feeling is that where there are many unhappy people in one industry, it’s just a sign that there’s something out of balance within that industry, that system of running things.

People would argue that doctors study for 4 –6 years and deserve to get paid more than say an ‘unskilled’ worker who serves people coffee. My answer to this is that when you are living your passion, it’s always a lifetime of learning, because you are genuinely interested in the subject and it’s usually something you’ve done all you life anyway (as it is with passions). So a person with a passion for coffee and serving it with finesse deserves as much return for that as a doctor. Who knows, that wonderful coffee aroma and the friendly banter of the barrister may have just lifted the spirits of someone who was about to give up on life. Like the musician who has spent years in the bedroom perfecting his playing and song writing and had spent as much time on his craft as that of the lawyer or astronaut down the street. And yet often musicians have to `pay-to-play’ to 20 people whom they give a lot of enjoyment to, while the doctor gives relief to 20 people a day on a sizeable income. What’s the difference?

If we are also receiving the same amounts of money as everyone else, it takes away a lot of financial stress because most things will be priced affordably. This is because a. no one would bother buying things at over-the-top prices, b. the producer wouldn’t bother producing things s/he didn’t love or need because they are earning the same as everyone else, so why waste the day creating items no one else wants or needs?

Perhaps along with similar incomes, we may organise ourselves into communities, as the community could redistribute the necessary money out to everyone. So every person would be given the training and the time to develop their passion, and then the whole community would benefit, and in effect, pay the person, by money or in kind. We already have this mechanism down pat; we just need to put the `luurve’ back into it.

We would no longer ‘work’; we would simply be playing, without effort or `labour’. Our life would be our work, which is why we call it `life work’. So there would be little need for work hours, pay structures and many other work-related rules, industries and infrastructure, because we are just doing what we love as part of our lives. So all the office blocks and jobs we’ve created for unions, banks, pay systems, work laws etc could go out the window, and we could all go out the windows too, and into the sunshine! (Unless working in an office block is what you love, of course.)

I think at some deep level we understand that we are working outside our internal passions. You can tell that by the phrases we use around work such as `working for the man’, `working hard for the money’, `it’s just a job’ ` another day another dollar’ etc. There are two sides to this. One is that as a society we’ve decided to create `false’ products and services, and knowing this, we don’t enjoy working with them. The other side of the coin is that we’ve also decided it’s easier to let an `other’ rule us (the boss, the job, the government, the need for money) rather than take responsibility for our lives and dreams, and so have created these jobs in order to hide within them.

Imagine walking into shops and cafés where the people love serving you and love making things for you, because really, they are making it for themselves. There are people doing that now, and don’t we love to buy their stuff! It’s the best advertisement I can think of.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Life's mission is the Heart

You must listen to your heart
It is the only thing you need to do
in order to live a simple and true life.

Your life mission is then to perfect
listening to your heart
and act on this rather than
on the noise of your mind.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Amazing Nature

I continue to find nature amazing. Walking through the grass today I wondered on the intelligence which created snakes with the ability to feel the vibration of someone approaching – to be able to know which way the person is heading in oder to protct themselves.

The level of intelligence needed to create all I see around me is beyond my undestanding, yet I am made of the same stuff as all that around me, so therefore what created `all of this' is also inside of me. It's one of the ways I know myself as God.

And I wondered about how I can so easily turn this Divine Intelligence into something human, rather than live up to the divinity of that energy. Like I sometimes assume that `God' displys the same pettiness, the same limitations as I do, and I lose my trust in it, in myself. Now, I'm sure this Divine Source would have the CAPACITY to use these qualities obviously, but why would a Divine Intelligence that can calculate the entire Universe on specific mathematics, confuse itself with 1 + 1?

When I open myself to the wonderment of nature (including myself) it is proof to me that the God Force would never need anything from me. And that's a point besides the fact that as`God' is not a `person' but an objective energy, it doesn't desire anyway (another example of how I can turn Divinity into less than it is).

Does the Divine need the snake to only slither in a certain way, live in a certain home or worship it in a certain way? I think not. Then why would an intelligence so far beyond my comprehension, need us to communicate to it a certain way, act towards it in a certain way or indeed, worship it at all?

If you could have everything in the Universe that you wanted, if you in fact knew that you could create and have anything you desired, then why on earth would you need ANYbody to do ANYthing for you? You could do it all yourself! And that's exactly how we've been created: to be able to manifest exactly what we like. Imagine the intelligence that created THAT mechanism. And it's inside us all.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Welcome to Positive Personal & Global Change

Welcome to Postive Personal and Global Change.

This blog is about both social change and personal growth, because these two areas of change have become inextricably linked. So often today, people who are on a spiritual, personal growth path often find that their highest goals involve working in ways and with products and services that serve the common good. And people working in the social change field are now finding that when they work within the stream of love and what they love, they can be more effective agents of change in the global arena.

Whatever you choose to do, every action does make a difference, and you as one person do count. As Mahatma Gandhi so famously said, “ Be the change you want to see in the world.” And if Quantum Physics is anything to go by, every thought we think and every feeling we feel is like a footprint in the universal and personal creative force field. So whenever you believe you can make a difference, and take action on that, the world actually becomes that belief, and becomes your positive action!

Thanks for tuning in, and may all your actions be joyous!
