Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Love is the Word

You may have heard that Grease is the word, but actually, it’s Love. That's because...

* anything you do with Love is already its own reward. Anything after that is an added bonus.

* when Love creates, what it creates is more Love.

* Love is the answer to any question you’ll ever have.

♥ Every time you think about Love, you attract more of the same into your life;
♥ Whenever you speak of Love your whole body resonates, which is a powerful healing tool.
Whenever you speak from Love, the vibration of your speech reverberates out to the Universe. When you talk and sing, you can feel the vibrations in your body. In the beginning was The Word, and that’s because words are vibrations and vibrations create matter. That’s why a word was able to create the universe. Imagine then the potential of our every word.
♥ Anytime you act from pure Love, you're putting in motion one of the most powerful manifstation tools we know: Loving Action.

So whenever you feel down, need a lift, or want good things to happen, just think, speak and act from Love:

♥ Think about something you love until the Love vibe awakens inside of you;

♥ Tell someone how great they look, how much you appreciate them, how much they are loved until ditto above;

♥ Go do something you love!

And remember, Love is the word! It could well be the only word you’ll ever need to think, say or do.

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