Monday, November 27, 2006

How to Find Your Life’s Purpose

1. Take time out. Create time each day to do this, or instead of holiday leave, take a month off to just rest, hang out, meditate and have time to actually think about what it is you’re doing here and what it is you want to do in life.

2. You’ll find that once you set your mind to it, opportunities and people will just come along. And this is step two, and it’s easy: Whatever you put our mind to with passion and a real desire for change, will attract those things you need to you. So start really thinking about what it is you want.
3. Thirdly, spend some time each day, dreaming about your ideal life. Your life purpose is actually your deepest dreams and longings! Fantastic isn't it? So spend some time day dreaming EVERY day and really get to the heart of what those dreams are. And sometimes you'll think you've found it, and then a day or two later, you'll discover it actually goes deeper. A useful question I found to ask myself was the million-dollar question. `If I had a million dollars and knew I didn't have to work for the rest of my life, what would I do?' This is a great way of discovering what your life's purpose is. Of course first of all I thought `I want to travel, buy this and that', but after I had done all that, what would I do then? What would I do that I love so much, I would do without getting paid for it? That's a big clue - your life purpose is the thing or things you would do, whether you were paid to do them or not.
4. You’ll probably have a few things you love to do, or many. So put all of these elements into a statement about what kind of job/life you want to create, as everything you love doing ties in somehow.
5. I read a long time ago that you'll find your life purpose is something you have always done and enjoyed. So look back over your childhood and early adulthood at the things you used to love doing, and still do now. Do you like cooking for the family? Do you get a kick out of playing with cars? Did you always write great horror stories as a kid? These are all clues. You'll usually find that what you love doing, you've been doing all along! 

6. Then, write down what these dreams are. Apparently 5% of people in world are actually living their dreams (their life purpose). And the thing all these people have in common is... that they wrote it all down. It solidifies what you want, what your plan is, and if you then pin it up on the wall where you look at it each day, that solidifies it more, especially if you add visuals (pictures, photos etc). You'll be amazed at the results. It may not happen overnight, but it will happen! 

7. Once you’ve written them down, you may like to add to them over time. I found it useful to break each thing I love doing into smaller parts, to really get down to the nitty gritty of what I wanted. The more specific you can be about your purpose, the more specifically you will create it. So if you love going to the cinema, you may break this down into: `I love being taken away to another world; I love talking about films with friends, and even strangers; I love debating how successful the director was; I love imagining it’s me up there on the screen etc.
8. Lastly, take action only when it feels good. If you don't feel like doing something, you're going in the wrong direction. If you've got a real impulse to call someone, start something new, or look up a topic of interest, do those. Feeling excited and happy about doing something is a sure-fire sign that it's part of your life purpose.

Good Luck!

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