Thursday, December 14, 2006

Don’t Get Up Until You’re Excited!

Each morning before you get out of bed, close your eyes and imagine your perfect day. Feel how great it is to be doing all these things and send it out to the Universe to bring back to you.

Then, spend a minute or two being thankful for all the good things in your life. Feel how great it is to be you!

When you’re excited about who you are and what the day could bring, THEN get out of bed.

Carry this feeling with you all day. If you start to wane, take a minute to close your eyes and think about your perfect day again until your energy lifts. You’ll be amazed at the results!

"I would make a strong suggestion that every day you get up and you sit in this discipline, roll your eyes back, and instead of rushing around, sleeping in late, do this and focus, create your day. All you have to do is to see that this day is filled with sublime adventure. And if you know it and you feel it and you have given it life, it will be. So be it."" - Ramtha

From: Ramtha Dialogues®, Tape 323, Beginning C&E® Workshop, September 20-21, 1992 (Yelm: Ramtha Dialogues®, 1992

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