Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Goal’s Guy and New Year Resolutions

A great email newsletter I receive is from The Goals Guy. I published one of his articles on peace in the e-zine this year. Gary Ryan Blair – the goals guy - gives you great advice and solid plans for ways to achieve your goals, and just in time for new year he’s sent me a guide to making new year's resolutions that work.

He’s also set up a site of new year’s resolutions and he’s aiming at getting ten million on there! You can check out people’s NYR’s at the site, and even add your own. Go on, put it in writing. You know the stats. Writing down goals gives you a zillion more chance of having them come true (I can’t personally vouch for that last stat) but anyhoo, it DOES make a difference to write goals down, and that way you can also see them every day and keep on track.. And as an added bonus, if you add your ‘Resso’ to his list, he will send you a free t-shirt and his personal guide to making perfect New Year’s Resolutions! You can’t ask for more than that! So pick up your finger and click now, and get those 2007 Ressos working for YOU!

I’d also advise if you love planning, scheming and generally and getting the most out of life, to subscribe to his newsletter. It only comes once a month or so I think, and there’s always a valuable article in it, apart from the usual advertising guff.
Check it out at

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Join Danny Wallace and Do Good Deeds

I just finished reading a great book called Join Me, that my mate Simon lent me. It’s the story of a bloke in London who put an ad in the local paper to join him. He did it as a bit of a joke, didn’t really know what people were joining him for, and it ended up being one of the biggest philanthropic organisations in the world. He put in the first advertisement in 2001, and the organization is still running today, with thousands of people as joinees. Basically all you need to do to join is send Danny a passport photo of yourself, and pledge to do a good deed for someone every Friday.

And because it’s a new year, and because doing something nice for someone else always makes me feel good inside, I think it’s a great New Year’s resolution. I had a mild idea a while ago to do something nice for someone every day, and now it seems just an ordinary part of my life. I don’t go looking for people to help either; they just seem to turn up. And they’re mostly not big things either (the deeds that is, not the people). I move aside to give someone a seat on the bus, I give someone directions; I help someone with their bags… Take the pledge now with Danny and become one of the famous `joinees’ or just take the pledge for yourself and resolve to help someone every day, or to do a good deed for someone who needs it every week. By the end of the year you can say that you’ve done at least 50 good deeds for people in 2007, and why the hell wouldn’t you want to do that?

Danny’s Join me website is at

You can see what else Danny is up to at

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Spirit is Unused Self

In a dream the other night, I was told ‘Spirit is unused self’.

It meant that spirit can be all our (unused) potential; the unlimited possibilities of who we are, just waiting to be given the nod that means `I’d like that for myself’.

In the dream it seemed to mean that it was a pool of unlimited resources that we tap into and take from. When we have used it all up, we are spirit itself.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Making Decisions Eases Stress

Making decisions eases stress, frustration and worry.

Your heart is your truth, your mind is your illusion, so if in doubt, fear, desperation, or confusion, put your hand on your heart and ask the questions that need to be asked. Do this regularly through the day until you don’t need to do the action, and then until the day that your truth is all there is.
Take action on your truths, no matter how small, but the grander the better if it feels good! Action begets action i.e. the universe is a giant photocopying machine and gives back to you what you put out.

When you’re stressed and afraid and depressed, it’s because you haven’t followed the instructions of your heart. You know what you need to do, what decisions you have to make, but you haven’t done them, usually because of fear. That’s the time to place your hand on your heart and ask your highest self what it is you really want to do.

When things are not easy and graceful, something is not right. You know what it is if you ask your heart. When things are right things move quickly and easily – effortlessly, and with joy.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Vegetarian Eateries and Recipe Guide

Food is a celebration! It is used for love, for meeting with friends, for brightening up your day, for comfort, for sharing special moments, and for the pure heavenly feeling of it on your tongue and in your belly. So get some yummy vego food into you today!

Vegetarian food has many benefits, for both you and the planet:

* It’s healthy;
* It’s good for animals☺;
* Vego food uses less land and forest areas;
* Vego food is ethical, as land doesn’t need to be used in developing countries to grow feed crops or to graze livestock;
* It opens up people’s worlds to new and exciting food: no more chop and three veg!
What would Australia be like food-wise if we didn’t have a Chinese restaurant around when we were kids? We’d all still be eating chop and three veg for dinner. World migration to Oz has opened up our world to food we never dreamt of before, and vegetarian food does the same thing. Who would have eaten the myriad of beans we have available (unless they were in tins and baked), if not for vego food? Who would have ever tasted the delights of nuts and seeds if not for vego food? We would all still be eating peanuts.
* Vego food is yummy! It’s not all about tofu and steamed vegetables. There’s a whole new world of food out there to explore, and you’ll never know about it unless you get out there and try a vegetarian restaurant or café. These people specialise in vegetarian, and know what they’re doing.

Below are a few websites where you can find a vego café in your area, wherever you are in the world. Or try adding a few vegetarian recipes to your meals each week from the websites below.. Your body and the planet will thank you for it.

Have fun with your food and get out there into vego land! Exotic and new delights are waiting to woo your taste buds!

INTERNATIONAL SITES Worldwide directory of vegetarian eateries and information: even Veggie Humour! International site good for recipes, links and for chatting to other vegetarians.

AUSTRALIAN SITES Australian Vegetarian Society. It lists restaurants, practitioners, has a forum and a magazine.

Vego recipes sites that I’ve used include: Vegan recipes from around the world. A good list. Great recipes on this one. A great recipe index, also with special occasion ideas, including Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Halloween, and you can search recipes by ingredients, meal types, and themes. VegSource is truly what it says it is – a source for all things vegetarian on the web. Go to the recipe page for links to all vegetarian recipes on the web

(If anyone has a favourite site or eatery, please add it in to the comments)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Practice Receiving

Sometimes we ask for things such as winning millions on the lottery, our own dream home, a new car, a trip around the world etc, yet when a friend rings and offers us a small favour, we decline it immediately.

Now the Universal Creative Force is absolute power so a meal is no more trouble to give you than $10 million, but if we’re not on the wavelength of receiving, it blocks that from being able to come into our lives.

So practice receiving: say yes to help, gifts, and offers; if you need something, ask a friend or family member and accept their help. Once you see that you are a constant receiver, (as well as a giver), it changes the dynamic and you’ll receive more often and with more ease and joy. You’ll have set up a pattern of receiving that the Universe can easily move into.

Help with Creating Your Day

There’s been a lot of talk about the idea of creating your day: of focusing for a few minutes each day and dreaming of your perfect day, then putting that out into the Universal Forces. Here’s a couple of links to pages that help you create your day.

1. Dr. Joe Dispenza in 'What the BLEEP Do We Know!?'TM recites a pact he makes every morning. See it here

2. Ramtha also has advice on creating your day
“Did it ever occur to you that oftentimes you give permission for life to do to you what you complain about or are overjoyed with at the end of the day? Creating, well, creating is a privilege. It goes along with being a divine person. Divinity gets to create and that is why you want to know how to do it, because you are a divine entity."
“When a man undertakes to create something, he establishes a new heaven, as it were, and from it the work that he desires to create flows into him... For such is the immensity of man that he is greater than heaven and earth.” Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Don’t Get Up Until You’re Excited!

Each morning before you get out of bed, close your eyes and imagine your perfect day. Feel how great it is to be doing all these things and send it out to the Universe to bring back to you.

Then, spend a minute or two being thankful for all the good things in your life. Feel how great it is to be you!

When you’re excited about who you are and what the day could bring, THEN get out of bed.

Carry this feeling with you all day. If you start to wane, take a minute to close your eyes and think about your perfect day again until your energy lifts. You’ll be amazed at the results!

"I would make a strong suggestion that every day you get up and you sit in this discipline, roll your eyes back, and instead of rushing around, sleeping in late, do this and focus, create your day. All you have to do is to see that this day is filled with sublime adventure. And if you know it and you feel it and you have given it life, it will be. So be it."" - Ramtha

From: Ramtha Dialogues®, Tape 323, Beginning C&E® Workshop, September 20-21, 1992 (Yelm: Ramtha Dialogues®, 1992

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ecotourism Quick Consumer Guide

Ecotourism is big business. From local attractions, to world tours, to luxury resorts, business owners are lining up to be included on ecotourism lists and to win awards.

Criteria for ecotourism usually encompass the triple bottom line: Economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility. That means that part of business practice must include business ethics, contribution to conservation, and cultural respect and sensitivity etc.

In Australia, a good site to log onto is

Ecotourism Australia certifies tourism products (attractions, tours and accommodation) and has a database of these. So if for instance you’re visiting the Blur Mountains and want to find an eco-friendly attraction, you can search for exactly that on the website. They also host an international ecotourism conference in November every year.

When you’re looking at tourist products generally in Oz, all products with the certification of ecotourism will carry their logo.

If you’re traveling further a field, a good international site is You can search for any holiday or accommodation on any budget, right from the home page. The site includes travel hints, a shop and an
e-zine. They also host the First Choice Responsible Travel Tourism Awards each year, voted by travelers. There are awards in different categories, however this year’s (2006) joint overall winners were Intrepid Travel (Australia) and Ol Malo Lodge & Trust (Kenya).

Another large international ecotourism forum is the Annual Summit of the World Tourism Forum for Peace and Sustainable Development (DestiNATIONS), held in Brazil. You can check out the recent third annual forum at

Monday, December 11, 2006

A Dialogue with my Creator

One day I asked my creator

`How do I get all the things I desire? How do I become the person I long to be?’

And my creator replied...

My child I will show you the way, but you must follow my every direction.

'Of course', I said. 'But I am so scared I will go wrong. How will I know, absolutely, what it is you ask of me?'

The creator replied...

I will put it in your heart as your greatest wish. Whenever you do not absolutely know the way forward, put your hand on your heart and ask yourself what is the very next thing you would love to do. If you do this, then you will be following my directions perfectly.

‘Wow’, I said, ‘it will be very easy to do as you ask’.

I went on my way, but the things I truly wanted, seemed out of reach. They cost money, and I had none. I wondered if I had made it all up. After all, doing whatever you love to do as a path to my creator seemed too good to be true when I thought about it. So I asked again.

'What do I do? I need money to do the things I love. You haven’t given me any so how am I supposed to do what it is you ask? Are you sure this is the way I do it?’

Trust in me. I will provide all you need, answered the Creator.

And so I did. I trusted that whatever I wanted to do, there would be money there; and there was. Mostly they were actually small things, and sometimes they didn’t cost money at all. I learnt not to judge where the money was coming from, just that I knew it was there for me to use, for now.

Sometimes I wouldn’t do something I loved and then I found myself becoming angry with the creator and demanding where my money was and demanding it to tell me what my path was. At the end of these outbursts though, I would invariably return to the only words I knew, loved and trusted. ‘Do what I love’. And I learnt that every time I thought I was lost, it was only because I didn’t trust, didn’t follow the directions. I already knew what the next step was, I was just too afraid to take that leap of faith that was asked of me. I was asked to take that leap time and time again, and it was hard. Still, it was the only message that kept coming, and it was often also my last resort. In times of anguish I would say to myself.

`This is too hard. I give up. The only thing I want to do is….., and seeing as I don’t care about what happens to me, I will just do that, even if it is the last thing I ever do.’

And of course, I knew that that was exactly what my creator wanted me to do. I wasn’t giving up: I was surrendering. I was saying to myself that whatever happens to me, I will only do what I love. See the perfection? And through those experiences I realised that the right path for me was always doing whatever was the next thing that I loved.

And one day I stopped struggling with my next task and all its risks. And on that day I realised what they mean when they say that life is blessed. That it is NOT too good to be true. Our destiny, the job our creator wants each and every one of us to do, is right there, in our dreams. And all we have to do is have faith, take a leap, and do whatever it is that we love, in every single moment. When we do that, we are on the path that our creator set for us. And it’s a quick path as well! And the more faith we have, the more we walk that road, the more easily it becomes, and the quicker we find our dreams. And you know it’s all true, that the journey is as fun, as exciting, as amazing as joyful, as the destination: so much so that I never wanted to reach my destination. And guess what? I don’t have to. Because every time now I reach my destination, another one shows itself in the distance like a magical oasis. And my feeling is that it is only there because I love it being there. If I just wanted to live with the dreams that had come, that would be what was presented to me, and I’d be happy with that. So what was promised me, and more, has come to be. I have everything I desire, and have become, through my journey, every thing I’ve wanted to be.

So one day I asked my creator...

'Why is it that you keep giving me gifts that I haven’t even asked for?'

And the Creator answered

I am like the loving parent who knows what the infant requires and desires before the babe even knows the desire exists. And therefore in my infinite wisdom I added some extra wording to your wish-list the day you called my name. And that was
~ whatever she desires and wishes to become now, and everything that she desires and wishes to become in the future, and all that she desires and wishes to become for all time is hers ~

And another day I asked the Creator...

‘Why do I have to go through the journey to get to my destination? Why can’t I just have what I want now?’

To that the creator replied...

Your journey IS your destination: it is the same thing. That is because all of your destinations get you to me. And I am the only true destination. Everything else that you thought was your destination was just an illusion.

‘How will I know then, when I get to you?’ I asked.

Because you will know yourself as me. You will know we are one and the same, the creator replied.

But I still don’t understand. What will it feel like to be one and the same as you?

It feels the same as it feels when you are doing what you love. Because when you are doing what you love, you are expressing the highest part of you, the part of you that is love. And that, of course, is me. I AM the highest part of you: that part of you that is pure love. And that is also why the journey IS the destination, because by doing what you love to get there, you are being me, which is your true destination.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Advice from Nefertiti

Know you are strength, and go out and be that strength of the Goddess. Command life to do, as you will. Do whatever you like with your days, allowing the Universe to come to you. Going out and trying is not the way of the Goddess.

You go out with the force of who you are when you have purpose, when you have a mission. Do it with the force of who you are, do it with strength, do it knowing the Universe comes to you all day, to bring you all you desire, all that you have commanded us to bring you. And so it is.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Ego and the Spirit

Here’s a useful way I make a distinction between the ego and the spirit.

I see the spirit as being the same as the heart, the soul, and God. To me, the spirit is accessing that part of me that is the God Force, the creative energy within me; the part of me that knows on a deep level, what it is I want, and how I want to live my life.

My ego I see as being a part of my mind. It’s the part of me that makes me individual. It brings down the universal energy and knowledge and makes it `mine’. It makes decisions about what I like and don’t like, and in doing that, makes universal mind, Christine mind. Because its main goal is that I the individual survive, it does whatever it needs to do to make sure that happens: fit in, have my needs met, have money to pay the bills etc . So often what it’s telling me is what I should-must-need to do in order to survive. And that’s when it sometimes goes out of alignment with my spirit. The spirit's needs are not individual, survival needs; they are universal eternal needs.

It’s when my ego is out of alignment wth my spirit that I feel the most confused, the most fearful, the most vulnerable: Things just don’t add up, don’t make sense. My ego is telling me what I need to do right now to ease the fear on a surface/ practical/doing level, but when I ask my spirit, it is taking the peaceful, meditative, do-what-you-love approach. How to make a decision between the two voices? I’ve found 100% of the time, that when I follow my spirit’s advice, I immediately feel calm, feel happy, and am loving what it suggests. When I follow my ego’s voice, I may alleviate the fear for a while by acting, but I don’t often find real happiness in the action, or the result.

I learnt to use them both in tandem. I ask my spirit, my heart, my happiness what I would love to do. I use my ego, my mind, to explore how I can do that, how to bring down that universal knowledge into some form that is meaningful to me. But that is all. Once I start hearing should-must-need, I tell my ego to take a back seat and let my spirit take the lead. Since I’ve made this distinction and am using the strengths of my ego to ASSIST me, I’ve found those moments of confusion don’t come around so often, and when they do, I recognise the misalignment immediately and tune into my spirit. And tell my ego to follow suit!

An Invocation of Prosperity (and other stuff)

I see Beauty all around me in the world
And I know, that being part of the world
I too, am Beauty
I open myself to the Beauty that I AM

I see Love all around me in the world
And I know, that being part of the world
I too, am Love
I open myself to the Love that I AM

I see Freedom all around me in the world
And I know, that being part of the world
I too, am Freedom
I open myself to the Freedom that I AM

I see Prosperity all around me in the world
And I know, that being part of the world
I too, am Prosperity
I open myself to the Prosperity that I AM

Monday, December 04, 2006

How to Heal The World

When I see that I am separate from nothing and no one, I am part of the universe and the universe is part of me. That means that all of the universe is contained within me. Actually, the entire universe is contained in every cell in my body. So I can visualise my body and see the universal flow of health, wealth and wisdom circle through it.

If my body is the universe, then I can allow healing of my body, and I can also, by healing my body, heal the Universe and my world. This is what we mean by Heal Yourself: Heal the World. What it means is that if we heal what is not flowing in our bodies, we heal what is not flowing in the universe (and vice versa).

So if I wanted to replace war in the world with peace, all I need to do is see or feel on my body (universe) that which is war (dis-ease) and fill it with peace. I can see or feel where peace is in my body, and take that and put it wherever there is war. It’s the same with poverty: I heal it with prosperity. Where there is sickness, I heal it with perfect health.

That is why, if you truly want world peace, and world prosperity, and world health, all you need to do is heal those things within yourself. You don’t need to go to rallies, you don’t need to join groups, you don’t need to shout your grievances to the White House(unless that is what you love). In fact, doing these things may only serve to create more of your grievance. One, because you're giving it lots of energy and whatever you give a lot of energy and passion to becomes real. And two, it takes you away from the real task at hand - healing yourself.

Healing Meditation: Visualise your body and know that it represents the universe. Ask yourself where there is love and peace in your body and see those areas: they’ll be glowing or a lovely colour, or you’ll feel a pleasant sensation there. Then ask yourself where in your body there is war, famine, poverty etc and see or feel that n your body. It may show up as a murky colour, or feel blocked or painful. Then with your mind, take a part of the area that is love and peace, and put it in the area that is blocked, and see it change from murky to radiating brilliant colours (or whatever it is you see or feel as peace etc). Do this on every area of your body that needs it, until your whole body is glowing in glorious colour, and know that you have healed yourself, and indeed, the universe. This could be your daily prayer for peace in the world, and healing for yourself.

“Act as if you were separate from nothing and no one and you can heal your world tomorrow.” Neal Donald Walsh

We Are Already, What We Desire

Whether it seems this way or not, everything in the universe is connected. Just because we can’t see the particles that we call `air’, it is in fact solid, and so we are connected to everything else in existence.

So if everything in the universe is connected, I am whatever I can conceive of in the universe: it is part of me. So I am the energy we call love; I am the energy we call wealth; I am the energy that we call wisdom. I am I am I am…

If I visualise myself connected to the rest of the universe, I can see that the entire universe is contained within me. I see it like a giant ball and there’s me on one side of it. So seeing myself connected to All That Is, I don’t have to ask for money, health, wisdom, love. I AM that. I AM THAT WHICH I CALL LOVE. I AM THAT WHICH I CALL ABUNDANCE. I AM THAT WHICH I CALL PERFECT HEALTH.

And if the Universe’s natural flow is abundance, an outpouring of all that is good, I simply have to declare that I am that, and let it flow through me: to let it in, rather than shut it out, which is all anything but health, wealth and wisdom is.