Thursday, February 08, 2007

Alliance for New Humanity

Deepak Chopra is founding member of the Alliance for New Humanity, an international social organisation based on the premise that as everything is connected, our well-being is the well-being of everyone. Singer Ricky Martin is also a founding member, and the organisation has a board of directors, patrons and advisors.

Their Mission: To connect people who, through personal and social transformation, are committed to creating a just, peaceful, and sustainable world, reflecting the unity of humanity.

‘News for a New Humanity’ is their newsletter and you can subscribe to it free from the site.

“Deepak Chopra has committed to reach the first million people so that we can take that evolutionary leap. Let us harness our resources and be part of that first million to reach the critical mass - and we too then can re-write the story for a new humanity. Let Creativity and Caring be our mantra.”

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Thing is Not to Think Much, but to Love Much

The main thing is not to think much, but to love much - Mother Theresa

So when you start to worry, just love
When you start to fear, just love
When you start to doubt, just love
When you start to think, just love

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

How to Know Your Heart

I've been doing this execise for a while now, and it seems to work for me. I'm an Aries so I'm always in my head rationalising and thinking through problems and questions I have. So I have to actually physically tune into my heart to find out what's really going on and what I'm really feeling about a situation.

So I sit in a quiet place, put my hand on my heart, close my eyes and meditate for a minute on my heart beat. This seems to take me out of my head, and if I do this with a question in mind, once I'm tuned into my heart beat, I receive an answer.

This is also a good technique generally to use in the morning, before I get out of bed. I create my day this way, as I know it's more in tune with where my soul is going, so there's no pulling the other way: it's all plain sailing.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Affirmation of Love

“ I am love, I give love, I accept love, I believe in love, I extend love, I am always becoming love.”

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Love Life

To have a love life, you have to love life.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Poem: Summer

wakes and stretches languidly
in sleeping postures stays

No sense of time
or any place to go

The endlessness
of long hot days
permeates my skin

I open every pore
and offer myself
to the thickly scented air

© Christine Butler 2007

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Saying that Violence is just who we are...

Saying that violence is just who we are, that humans are made that way, that that’s all there is and there’s nothing we can do about it, is like saying that the shade of a tree is all there is to the tree. Yet there is a sunny side too, and all you have to do is step into it. – Christine Butler