Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Feeling love and happiness..

"Feeling love and happiness, and feeling peace within me, to my mind is the highest achievement I can attain as a human being on a day-to-day basis. Everything else is just a distraction." Christine Butler

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


How do I think of you?
I wonder what you would look like with desire in your eyes
Wanting me
Giving me one single kiss on the side of my neck
that sends ripples through me and brings tears to my eyes
You look from eye to eye quickly
looking for my response
Then a small smile traces your lips
and you kiss me
My upper lip
then my lower
Aand lick my upper with your tongue
You sigh and look into my eyes again
not smiling this time
You say
I love you

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Gaia Theory of a Living Single Organism Earth

The scientist James Lovelock with philosopher Dian Hitchcock came up with the theory of Gaia in the 1970’s while looking at the moon, and noticing how dead it was compared to the earth, which seemed teeming with life. They experimented further and found that the air was not just another aspect of the earth’s surrounds, but actually a part of it, like fur is to a cat. They concluded that if the air was alive and part of the earth, then the earth too must be alive and active. He “began to wonder if it could be that the air is not just an environment for life but it is also a part of life itself. “

The Gaian idea is that life forms actually control and manipulate their planet to suit themselves and to make it more conducive to the evolution of further organisms. This has upset many scientists, who find the theory too all-encompassing to grasp. Another debate by traditional scientists has been against the idea that cooperation between organisms can arise, where science tends to believe that organisms act out of selfishness and survival. No wonder the planet is in trouble! An example of this is that Lovelock believes sulphur returns from the sea to the land through marine algae. The algae help life by circulating sulphur throughout the biosphere so their proliferation of this algae continued as it ensured life for all.

Another phenomenon that proves we live on an intelligent planet is our stable temperature, which remains in the exact range suitable for life, no matter what has happened in the billions of years there’s been life on earth.

The Gaia theory gives us hope for the continuing survival of the planet despite the amount of pollution we are putting into ‘the organism’ (i.e. land, air, sky and inhabitants). It’s not an excuse to run amuck, but the earth’s system, if intelligent as the Gaia-ists would have us believe, will also find a way to keep everything stable and everything living, and even to dispel the pollution. Of course, that may mean that the earth system heats up the atmosphere, leading to increased temperatures, which ignites people’s tempers so the human race annihilates itself and that’s the earth’s solution to the problem! The scary thing about the Gaia hypothesis is that humans are not necessarily important in the overall scheme of things, and that the species that act to enhance the health of Gaia are the ones that prosper and matter in the long run.

Lovelock believes that there are regions on earth that are important to Gaia’s survival, and these areas may be the key to sustainability. Continental shelves may be vital in the regulation of the oxygen-carbon cycle. “ It is through the burial of carbon in the anaerobic muds of the sea bed that a net increment of oxygen in the atmosphere is ensured.” Lovelock also believes that wetlands and the tropical rainforests and scrub lands between latitudes 45 degrees north and 45 degrees south are core regions of Gaia. Lovelock urges that we watch carefully the tropics and the seas close to the continental shelves. “ Here (humans) may sap the vitality of Gaia, by reducing productivity and by deleting key species in her life-support system; and (we) may then exacerbate the situation by releasing into the air or the sea abnormal quantities of compounds which are potentially dangerous on a global scale.”

"Organisms do not just adapt to a dead world determined by physics and chemistry alone. They live in a world that is the breath and bones of their ancestors and that they are now sustaining." - James Lovelock.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Why it is Manly to Cry

It IS manly to cry, and you deny yourself your manhood when you hold back your emotions.

You have chosen to be human and humaness is an emotional state. It’s what sets us apart from other planes of existence where there is no physicality and no emotion and no sense of time. Emotion is therefore one of the three important distinctions of the human being and therefore how we evolve.

If as a man you decide to deny your emotion self, you’re also denying yourself the opportunity to evolve as a human being. And not only yourself, but you also deny that to the men around you and your male children, who see from you what it is to be a man, and follow your lead.

Don’t let generation after generation of men cease to evolve. Men die more of heart attacks then women because they suppress their emotions. Suppressing emotions is the core cause of addiction. Do yourself a favour and join the human race! We need you! And we need men to evolve at the same rate as women, so that we move into the world that we dream of together, as a unified force.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Go with the Flow of Abundance

The natural state of the Universe is abundance. The Universe naturally moves towards abundance and can’t help but support us in our own moves towards it. It knows nothing else. That’s why trees grow upwards towards the sun, why flowers bloom from tiny buds into flowers. Everything grows. To do anything else is to struggle against the natural flow. It’s the same with business, with making money. Growth is the secret to abundance. Go with the flow of what you’ve already got and you’ll begin to grow outwards towards expansion and more. If you contract, if you say no to natural growth, you are actually stemming the tide of abundance that would otherwise naturally flow.

Monday, January 22, 2007

FOODS FOR THOUGHTS - Brain Foods for Exam Time

During periods of peak mental performance, the brain uses more nutrients than usual to sustain its proper functioning. The carbohydrates in food and oxygen in the air fuel the brain. Exams, study, long hours of concentration and focused work periods can all take their toll on our brain’s ability to give its best. Sometimes we need more specific nutrients to nourish and stimulate the brain’s activity. Studies have long suggested the link between nutrition and scholastic performance. Following is a run down of foods that will keep your brain at full steam.

Foods for General Brain Function:
*The human brain weighs 1.5 kg, that's about the same as a hefty school text.
*Lecithin comprises 28% of brain matter in a mentally healthy person. During times of stress this lecithin is used up rapidly by the brain and. If the diet contains mainly saturated fats, and not many natural foods, a better diet or supplements may be needed during exam time. Lecithin is produced by the liver and if you eat a regular supply of fresh fruit and vegies whole grains, legumes and raw nuts you should be able to produce enough lecithin for your brain’s needs. Soybeans and corn are main sources of lecithin supplements. You can also buy it in granules to sprinkle over foods (most economical) or in capsule form.
*Glucose - them main food for brain function is converted from complex carbohydrates. Make sure you are getting enough whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables before and during peak concentration times. Even quick meals such as fruit salad or veggie sticks with dip will be better than snacking on junk foods.
*Niacin (B3) nourishes the brain. Good food sources are yeast extract, brewer’s yeast, nuts, dried fruits and whole meal bread, brown rice and pulses.
* Orotoc Acid (B13) is required for the normal functioning of the brain and also the nervous system. Found in abundance in root vegetables
* Some good foods for general brain function are Bananas, currants, dates, figs, grapes, olives, plums, asparagus, radish, tomatoes, avocado, garlic, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, parsley, watercress, lemons, apricots, sunshine.

Foods for Concentration:
*Phosphorous. Necessary for brain strength, contains lecithin, and assists creative ability in writing essays etc Activates most of the B vitamins and is good for energy distribution to the brain and body. Vitamin D helps balance phosphorous levels i.e. sunlight. Foods include pumpkin seeds, wheatgerm, sunflower seeds, brazil nuts, sesame seeds and almonds. Phosphorous also gives you energy to get out and exercise in between studying.
*Vit T can help if your concentration and memory are poor. Sesame seeds and tahini.

Foods for Memory Stimulation:
*Manganese is a memory builder. It takes oxygen to the brain and helps with mental fatigue. Foods include chestnuts, brazil nuts, hazel nuts and almonds, as well as kidney beans, pineapple, grapes, beetroot and parsley.
*Magnesium also builds memory by nourishing the brain and spinal cord. It can also steady your nerves. Some good food sources are green vegetables, almonds, cashews and soybeans.
* Thiamine (or B1) deficiencies are known to cause impairment of the memory, a lack of concentration and inability to learn. Food sources are brewer’s yeast, yeast extract, raw nuts, soya flour, wholemeal bread. Most fresh vegetables contain good amounts of thiamine.
*Pantothenic acid (B5) Improves poor memory. Good supplies are in yeast extract, nuts and seeds, wheatgerm, green leafy vegies and root vegies.
*General foods for memory are currants, dates, olives, figs, lettuce, berries, potatoes, apricots, parsley, avocado, carrots, asparagus, spinach, apples, pineapple, raisons, beetroot, bananas, peaches and pears.

Foods for Mental Stress and Worry:
* B complex especially pantothenic (B5) B vitamins best taken together over long periods to help with absorption. B5 is not only a memory builder but it is also an anti stress vitamin. B5 is used in the body for the production of energy and healthy nervous system. See above for foods.
* C – You can take 10 times the minimum daily requirements during stressful periods as the body will use more. Vitamin C Produces anti stress hormones. It converts amino acids in foods into compounds needed for brain and nerve functioning. cherry juice, blackcurrants, guavas, parsley, kale, broccoli, green peppers, tomato puree,
* If stress is causing insomnia, lettuce and vitamin C can help, as can chamomile tea or lemon balm tea. Bath with lavender before bed, and adequate exercise is helpful
* Foods for stress: grapes, millet, wheatgerm, Brewer's yeast, oats, buckwheat, molasses, melons papaya, lettuce, watercress, sunshine, cherries, bananas, cauliflower, garlic, ginger, mushrooms, mustard greens

Foods for Nervousness:
* Vit E assists the functioning of the entire nervous system: the central nervous system is the brain and spinal chord. The sympathetic nervous system is the brain and nerves raw oils such as wheatgerm, soyabean, corn, safflower and sunflower oils (pour on salads or raw rather than cooking with as heat kills nutrients. If using with cooking, add a little oil with water in the pan to reduce heat of the oil)
* Nervous system: B complex, especially B1, B2 and B3 which all build the nervous system. These three vitamins are inhibited by stress and anxiety so it’s always good to get an abundant supply during times of nervousness. Good sources of all three are found in rice bran, wheatgerm and soyabeans.
* A good night sleep also helps the nervous system, as it has the opportunity to repair and give nutrients to nerves
* If depression is present, B6 can help, and it is wise to take supplements of this vitamin, including other B vitamins
* Before an exam, Ginger tea can be used to calm nausea from nerves, and chamomile tea to calm nerves generally
* Mental disturbances are often related to deficiencies in thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide, pyridoxine, folic acid, B12. If the conditions persist, see a GP for analysis.
* General foods for nervous tension are cauliflower, celery, garlic and passionfruit

Foods and Exercises for Eyes:
*Vit AiIs good for reading in dim light, also good as an immune fighter against infections and illness during the stressful periods. Butter, cheeses, fish oils contain vitamin A. Carotene (pro-vitamin A) is found in foods such as leafy green and yellow and orange vegetables.
* Flourine is a trace mineral, which maintains the functions of the iris. Foods include asparagus, oats, garlic and cabbage.
* Exercise: Look up from the page every 15 mins at something in the distance to exercise the eye muscles

Teas: Coping -licorice and ginseng; anxiety-passionflower and vervain; Headaches - rosemary or wood betony.

Juices: Brain Fodder Juice- apple, grapes, lemon, beetroot and parsley.

Other useful information: 1. Rosemary oil burning during study helps your brain remember information. Scent can also unlock memory, so if you wear the same scent during the exam as you wore while studying for it, you will tend to perform better than those who don’t. Peppermint oil is also useful during exam time to energise and stimulate the mind. Use both in a bath for stress and headaches 2. Listening to Mozart for 10 minutes can improve your IQ by 9 points. 3. Take a good multivitamin everyday leading up to and during exam time 4. Exercise every day to keep oxygen flowing to the brain 5. 30 mls of Wheatgrass juice taken daily will increase brain power generally 7. sleep and relaxation is needed for the brain to rejuvenate 8. Take Rescue remedy if nervous before exam

Friday, January 19, 2007

The Birth Of Ideas

You feel in pain. You feel like the world is about to end for you. Nothing makes sense and you live like in a nightmare wondering how you got to be this way, You question yourself and your sanity and think a thousand ways how you got yourself into this mess in the first place. And then one moment when you can take no more, an inspiration glides into your mind, pours through your burning head like cold, wet, sweet ice cream. And the relief floods through you in a moment and all you feel is release, and joy and gladness, and you can’t even remember why you were feeling so down. What was THAT about? You write about it, talk about it, expand on all it’s glories and manifestations, and life generally takes on a glow all of it’s own. You even love yourself for having such genius. You think of nothing else, and every time your mind rests on your idea, your whole body goes back to that ecstasy of its birth. And then one day you wake up and the energy of that idea has dissipated. It’s hard to bring back the feelings you had and over the next couple of days it fades from memory, and you ask yourself again, well what was THAT about? You wander around trying to make sense of it all: you get a little depressed and start wondering what this stupid life is about anyway. What is the point to it all? You walk around frustrated and bored and wonder if you’d be better off just taking some pills and ending it all: the fruitlessness of it. Then in one single glorious moment, a new idea is born, and the world is once again, a glorious paradise of possibilities.

No wonder they call it ‘the birth of ideas’.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Only Moment

This is the only moment I have, and I won't spend it, these precious moments, on feeling anything less than fantastic. The most part of being free for me, is to feel happy. Feeling burdened and miserable is not freedom; it’s entrapment. If I feel free and happy all today, and as a result my world crashes down tomorrow, so be it. And tomorrow can take care of itself anyway: it’s not my business and I don’t even know tomorrow: it’s not part of me yet. But these moments, right now, are very intimate with me. They are mine and mine alone to express myself in, and I choose to be happy and free in them. I choose to be happy and free in this moment, because frankly, it’s the only moment I have. I’m not even sure that I have a next moment, so I may as well just live it up in this one. So today, so in this moment, and moment by moment, I’m just going to have the best time, and let any other moments do what they will.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Principles of my Theory on Changing the World

1. Everyone does their passion as their work. We shall call it plorking, a mixture of play and work.
2. Everyone earns the same amount of money, no matter what plork they do. All left over monies are used for infrastructure and fun stuff!

There would be no need anymore for taxes, as the employer would just give extra money back to the central money distributor, so all those boring tax jobs, so all the accountants in the world could join the charity workers in Tahiti.

3. Education is centred on learning to love, rather than learning to fear.

From school age, we are taught about the emotions and their effect on the body would be one of the underpinning subjects, especially to two basic ones love and fear, and to learn how to recognise when we have come out of the core one, love.

Education would centre on human qualities and emotions rather than on facts and figures, so that children and the adults they become have the ability to self-observe and make decisions based on love, not fear.

Education based not on what, where, when, and who (facts and figures) but on how and why (how to budget, how to love yourself, how to have a great relationship) and why (Why do wars happen? How could we stop them happening again? Why do relationships break down? How could we do them better?) This means teaching is based on asking questions, not giving answers, and students learn to think for themselves and make truly, educated decisions.

Education is based on qualities, not quantities.

4. The Law of Attraction is common knowledge

Friday, January 12, 2007

“Plan life like you are going to live forever: Live life like it’s your last day on earth.”

I plan to do in life everything that has ever made me happy, and leave space for whatever might make me happy that I haven’t thought of yet. I’ll need forever to do this I guess simply because I am an ever evolving being. But even if I’m not, even as just Christine Butler, I want a long time to experience, to savour, all that I’d ever want to do, in all the various ways it’s possible for me to do them. And it will take longer because it is not just about the action: it’s about the contemplation, the dreams put out in hope, the gradual moving towards the goal, the shifting and changing of preferences, the fun, the sleep, the quickening of the experience, and then to the quiet contemplation of what was. See, it could well take forever.

If this was the last day on earth for me, then I would be happy to stay put and meditate on love, to read about people’s joys, to think on peace and hope in the world. Because feeling love and happiness, and feeling peace within me, to my mind is the highest achievement I can attain as a human being on a day-to-day basis. Everything else is just a distraction.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Jobs that no one wants are a signal that it shouldn’t be a job in the first place, or that we need to change the way the job is done. What’s a job that no one wants to do? Take for instance garbage collection. Ok, so if everyone was more personally responsible for the rubbish they create, the garbage system would be a lot easier to operate, we wouldn’t not like the job anymore because it wouldn’t be smelly and gross, and we’d save the planet in the meantime.

There’s basically three types of garbage. One is organic matter, the next are things we can readily recycle, and the others are materials we can’t readily recycle. So one solution is to separate the three, which we’ve already started doing.

The thing is, at the moment, people don’t wash the recyclables as they should, or they put in containers with food on them (i.e. like pizza boxes.) If we all took responsibility and a little time, the recyclables wouldn’t be smelly and we could do things like have people who can reuse them and think they’re fun (like the ‘Reverse Garbage’ company, stage and theatre designers, kids and schools, aluminium can collectors etc) rummage through it and get first dibs. Then the rest can go off to be recycled; so we’d also be reusing stuff first, which is what we should be doing anyway.

Recycling should be the last resort. In fact people could do this first before they put out recycling i.e. take tins and toilet rolls insides to the local school. This would make the load of collectors a lot easier. In fact, the recyclables collectors could be people who love to do stuff with recycled matter – artists etc. They could be given a certain number of streets in their suburb, and they could collect stuff each week, go through it, and then take the rest to the recycling centre.

This is a pretty obvious one and I’m sure some countries do this already. Organic matter going into landfill is one of the catastrophes of our modern times. We could be taking it to local community gardens, composting it for our own gardens, or to the local school, church, whatever. And we can also compost and make it into all the fertiliser we’ll ever need. And we could make it on site in the community (the left overs from home/school etc) and divvy it back out as well. So you wouldn’t need to buy fertilizer from the garden centre in plastic bags. I can’t believe we don’t do this already. And of course, going back to out dear garbage collectors, the whole reason why garbage collection is not on everyone’s hot job list – the smell and sliminess- would be eliminated. Instead, our wonderful garbage collectors would be seen as local heroes, turning our recyclables and organic matter into useful and fun things for the whole community. They’re already now being called Waste Management Officers (or something like that) because of their new jobs with recycling (in Oz anyway). Let’s now take it a step or two further…

I’ve left this ‘till last because really, people, non-recyclables should be called non-consumables. There should be no reason for us to have to buy anything, or wrapped in anything, that can not be reused or recycled. This is the bit of the equation called REFUSE. Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The four R’s that can be now taught in schools. Reduce is for wussies. Refuse is the go. And anyway, if there is a bit left over that we don’t know what to do with, the artist guy down the road who comes and gets your recyclables, will probably have a use for it.

So we’ve got the local garden enthusiast’s club collecting your veggie peelings, the arty fartys and kids scooping the pool on your exciting bits of recyclables, and the occasional non-recyclable, so the good old refuse/waste management/ garbage collecting ‘garbos’, will be heading down the local suburb every week or so to take your nice recyclables to the recycling station. It should only take them a few hours max; they wouldn’t need to do it at 5am because it’s quick and easy; they wouldn’t need to deal with smell or slime, and they’d be the heroes of our town because they’re taking our stuff and making it into other… stuff. Now that’s a job worth loving.

So anytime we create jobs that people don’t’ love’, it’s just a cue to say we haven’t worked it out properly; haven’t quite used our noggins and gone through the finer details. What about other jobs that are on the `wouldn’t do it for quids’ list for most people? Drain cleaners, toilet cleaners, and sewerage workers…. actually they sort of have everything in common don’t they? They’re all smelly, dirty, and have a hell of a lot to do with human waste. Mmm, got any ideas?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Believing vs Effort Ratio

Have you ever noticed that when you really believe you can achieve something, do something or have something, you don’t need to put any effort into getting it? You just say “great” and forget about it and at some point down the road you get it, and hear yourself say “I knew that was going to turn out well.”

Maybe there’s a ratio between how much we believe something and how much effort we have to put in to it. I know that if I really want something, but don’t believe it’s mine by divine right, then I have to work bloody hard to get it: and even then sometimes I don’t. For me getting into believing something is a matter of perspective: If I’m seeing getting something as difficult, I keep turning it around until it’s easy. I feel it in my heart like relief. Then I can let it go, and then I know that it will come.

So really, maybe the only effort we ever have to put in is believing we can have something. And if we can’t believe it in one light, then to look at it from another!

Divine Order and Social Activism

There is a divine order in the world, and it’s a good thing to remember for all us social activists out there.

What we are creating in the world is a step-by-step process of getting us where we want to go. Everything in the world serves a purpose and is part of this process, otherwise it wouldn’t exist.

The thing is, this divine order cannot be seen solely through the mind, by thinking, by judging, by being angry and frustrated with all that is: that just creates more of the same in the world. The great flow of the universe runs on love, so we need to open our hearts and see the beauty in the world to gain access to this knowledge of divine order. It’s a bit like your own true purpose and desires can only be accessed through your heart, not just your ego.

The world doesn’t need saving, it just needs to be loved.

N.B This blog was inspired by a card in Toni Carmine Salerno’s Magdalene Oracle card Series.

Monday, January 08, 2007

What Would Happen if Everyone on the World Earned the Same Wage?

or Ten Reasons Why it Could Be A Good Idea to Have a Global Wage

1. We would all have enough to survive on (approximately $ 6987 per annum - the average wage globally in 2005 according to Finfacts: Ireland’s Business and Financial Portal)
2. We wouldn’t need to work so hard, because what would be the point? And most people work hard to earn more money. Australians now work the most hours in the industrialised world. Those who love working hard, well that’s nice too
3. We could all do what we love, as we are all getting the same money anyway
4. We could do away with charities, because any left over money circulating would automatically go into charities. That means all the people doing all that great charity work could instead take a nice vacation in the Bahamas
5. If every sick, old, disabled person in the world had $6987 each year, ditto above.
6. If every poor person in the world had $6987 each year, most of the charities would have to disband anyway, so ditto ditto above and above. Poverty would automatically be history, so we could go to rock concerts just to hear the music
7. We could do it initially by taxing everyone over $6987 so that the extra money would be immediately redistributed to those who don’t get that amount.
8. If everyone eared the same amount of money, and that was guaranteed, people would be more inclined to do their dream job - the thing they are passionate about - and that would automatically create a happier and healthier society. For more on how this works, see the blog and article in Issue 12 of Action Change entitled ‘Passionate Employment.’
9. Most wars would cease because there would be no more `greater than’ and ‘less than’. We could all do what we choose with our $6987. There would be no power plays because there would be no money to be gained from them. If for instance, the US decided to invade another oil rich country, they’d just have to put the extra money earned back to those countries that were under the average wage.
10. Crime would pretty much cease straight away, as most people who commit crime are coming from a position of impoverishment. If we all had enough money to survive, the fear of not being able to survive would be removed. Those with a mental illness that incites crime could afford treatment, as they would be earning $6987, and so would the therapist! (i.e. it would be in everyone’s means to receive treatment)
“You’ll find everything you need in life in what you love doing.”
- Christine Butler

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Heart Pumping Healing Visualisation!

This morning I had this great experience visualising love hearts pumping through my body as my heart beat. They were pink like cartoon hearts and they pumped dance-like through my body and seemed to cheerily eat up any tired or unnecessary cells floating around in there. It was a great feeling, like I was filled up with happy love! Then they whooshed out of my body and circled around me. Crazy! (but in a good way.)

Friday, January 05, 2007

Creating Your Day, by Divine Right

Each morning a good way to create your day is to feel what it is you’d like to do, and see it all happening.

Then say “if this is the day planned for me as mine by Divine Right, I accept it with gratitude. If there are more important things for me to be doing today in order to fulfil my dreams in perfect ways (with joy, grace and ease,) then bring those things to me as well or instead, and I accept those also, with gratitude.”

It’s not my job to work out the how. My job is to know what it is I want to do in my heart, and do that. It’s not my job to work out the how or why or wherefore. The God force does that – Love does that. I just need to honour myself and who I am.

Most manifestation techniques revolve around setting an intention for the day at the beginning of the day, and then being grateful for the day at the end of the day. In between we go about our business, feeling the good feelings of our intentions, yet holding off expectation. Expectation is not our business, and it actually gets in the way, as we end up doing things in accordance to the when, where, how and why of things and block the natural flow of Love doing what it needs to do.

So again, we just need to know the what, and feel how great that feels to have, and go about our day with that feeling. The rest will take care of itself. If we do picture something, it’s the end result only. You are driving the new car, you are ion your new house, you are with your soul mate. Again, nothing else is your job: just the ‘what.’

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Rubber Band Ball Theory of the Universe

I see the Universe and `all there is’, like one of those balls with tight elastic bands inside. The rubber comes apart on the outside and there are all these pieces, yet they stay connected because of the rubber bands. So there are all these particles `out in space’ yet they all attached, so if you flick one of the parts, it all still reverberates, even on the other side of the ball.

Also, what we call `the space in between’ the parts of the ball, is not really space, not empty. It is also a mass, we just can’t see all the gases and such with our naked eye. So, in reality, we are not just all connected, but we are in fact, all the one thing: the ball.

We could also use the human body in the same way to explain how everything in the Universe is all connected, and one organism. We could label parts of us with different names, like we do parts of the Universe. My head could be Saturn (for example), and my hand could be Pluto. My knee could be Earth, and my bum could be… well take a guess.

So if the Universe is connected like the parts of my body is to me, and whatever one of us feels, we all feel. Whatever another planet feels, we feel on earth too. So as individuals we DO all make a difference to how the world and the Universe works. We ARE the difference. People always get overwhelmed with the problems that lie on the other side of the planet and say “but what can I do to help?”

But I point to my knee (earth) and dig my finger-nails in (Pluto), and that hurts! I feel it in different parts of my body (the universe) “ Ow, ow” I say, screwing up my face. But yet I look up at you and say “But what can I do to help?”

“Ow ow” I say again, leaning over and digging my nails in. “But I’m just one person.”

Do you see how funny that is, and how ludicrous?

I think this is what they call biting off your nose to spite your face, but instead, your biting off your nose while your teeth say, “but what can I do to help?”

Everything we do affects everyone else, and the whole of the planet earth, and every other planet out there. How do our choices change now that we have this information? How do the questions we ask in life change? What decisions do we ask our leaders to make?

Act as if you are separate from nothing and no one, and you could heal your world tomorrow – Neal Donald Walsh

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Ho’oponopono Technique

'There is a way out of problems and disease for any individual willing to be 100 % responsible for creating her/his life the way it is moment to moment. In the ancient Hawaiian healing process of Ho'oponopono, the individual petitions Love to rectify errors within him.

"I am sorry. Please forgive me for whatever is going on inside of me that manifests as the problem."

Love’s responsibility then is to transmute the errors within him that manifest as the problem. Love does this by erasing and correcting.'

After I printed the article on Ho’oponopono by Joe Vitale in the second issue of the e-zine (, many people told me they had used it in their lives to great effect. Some had said “I’m sorry I love you” to the person who they’d had an issue with, others have said it to themselves - healing themselves in order to heal their world - and others have just said it to no one in particular, in order to heal problematic issues in their lives. All methods have had positive results.

I then came up with a longer phrase, which added more meaning to the words people were speaking or thinking. It includes personalising the statement, forgiving yourself, and asking Love to heal whatever has caused the disturbance.

“I’m sorry (your name). Please forgive me for whatever is happening inside of me that manifests as (whatever the problem is). I ask Love to correct/transmute the errors now. I love you.”

By using this technique, a doctor in Hawaii was able to `cure’ all the patients in his mental ward. See the story in the Action Change e-zine #2 for the full details.

For more info on the ho’oponopono technique, go to